Justin reflects on the importance of company values

When I graduated from Michigan State University no one told me what to look for in a company or what makes a great company. It was to go to school, get a degree, get a “good job.” It wasn’t until many years later, after working with and for several organizations, that I came to realize […]
Jessica opens up about how Mana Boutique has changed her life

The past year has gone by in the blink of an eye, while also feeling like an eternity. 2020 was hard for everyone, and especially for me. When Covid hit, I had also started the first steps toward a very heartbreaking divorce. I moved myself and my three kids back to my parent’s house to […]
Mana Boutique Project Announces Newest Gift Box

Launched in the midst of the global COVID-19 pandemic, the Mana Boxes fashion and accessories subscription program is now releasing its second box to the general public. The quarterly subscription boxes contain handcrafted, one-of-a-kind pieces created by women artisans in South Africa. Each box features stylish accessories, décor, and popular fashion items.
Michelle reflects on being a ManaMama while visiting South Africa.
I find it encouraging that a mother’s heart doesn’t fail.I am sitting in a cafe in Kalk Bay, South Africa. It is bustling with families looking to celebrate Mom.My teenagers are six hours behind, sleeping deeply. Teens, for sure, who don’t exactly need their mom to be with them on the day to make being […]
Mana Boxes featured on “She’s All Over the Place with Kyriaki”

Mana Boxes co-found, Michelle Klassen Merrigan sits down with Kyriaki on “She’s All Over The Place” Podcast. They dive into the heart and soul of what Mana means and how you can take actionable steps for health and peace.
It’s Just the Beginning for Mana Boxes

These past few months have been a whirlwind for the Mana team. We’ve told you all about the women behind Mana, the small businesses impacted by our boxes, and more. Now we’re excited to announce the next chapter for Mana. Funded in Under 36 Hours If you weren’t aware, Mana had a Kickstarter campaign running […]
Keep Your Wardrobe Bright, Even in the Winter

With winter comes longer days of darkness and cooler temps. It’s also the time for seasonal depression and mental health struggles. There are a lot of small things that you can do to brighten the season and your mood just by surrounding yourself with color and positive energy. Bring on the Dopamine Many of us […]
Constance’s Story

Each and every woman involved in the boxes has overcome huge obstacles to be where she is now.
Why Gift Boxes Need to make your Holiday Gift List

We know the pressure of finding the perfect memorable gift for someone. Luckily, Mana makes that easy.
Care for your Body, Heart, and Soul: Holiday Self-Care

Give yourself and others some space and grace. We can all get through this holiday season together.