I find it encouraging that a mother’s heart doesn’t fail.
I am sitting in a cafe in Kalk Bay, South Africa. It is bustling with families looking to celebrate Mom.
My teenagers are six hours behind, sleeping deeply. Teens, for sure, who don’t exactly need their mom to be with them on the day to make being their mom incredibly special.
The truth is that last Mother’s Day–that dreaded Year of Doom, 2020–my kids didn’t even make me a Mother’s Day card. I took that extremely hard and experienced a bout of depression and self-loathing. I wanted to know they wanted me, but even more than that, I think I wanted to know that they needed me, and thus would fulfill that obligation of offspring worship. Heh.
What I found is that my 15 and 14 year olds are securely fastened in their mother’s love. They tell me everyday that they love me. They have also grown to be self-reliant, self-assured, caring and independently unique. THAT is enough of a Mother’s Day card for me. They have written their words on my heart, and rearranged my soul. They have shattered my ego and breathed life into my spirit.
Why I am halfway around the world for our beloved Mother’s Day? It’s because of all these #ManaMamas … Many who have physically birthed babies, and the others who are birthing a new generation. A new reality, a new future.
I had the privilege of being fully vaccinated on Thursday, and on a plane on Sunday. I came to give honor to the #ManaMamas for their fierce tenacity to thrive during the worst crisis in a generation–and carrying their communities through it.
When I told my kids I was leaving, they didn’t flinch. I have raised my kids to recognize a life’s calling.. a mission, when they see it. They have never *not* known my mission.
“We are here to create heaven on Earth.”
“We are here to change the future for the better.”
“We are here to show up.”
Selah and Jordon know that I show up for them, and they know when we’re called to show up for others–we do.
To all our #ManaMamas and those who are giving birth to our future state, I see you. Happy Mama’s Day.
May 9, 2021