These past few months have been a whirlwind for the Mana team. We’ve told you all about the women behind Mana, the small businesses impacted by our boxes, and more. Now we’re excited to announce the next chapter for Mana.

Funded in Under 36 Hours
If you weren’t aware, Mana had a Kickstarter campaign running from November 15-December 15. Our original goal was to raise $10,000 so we could support women artisans in South Africa.
Our Kickstarter backers blew that number out of the water.
By the time the thirty days of our Kickstarter were up, we had raised over $30,500 to go towards empowering these small business owners. Needless to say, our team is touched by the generosity of our backers and the impact these subscriptions will have on the lives of the women in South Africa and their communities.
Expanding from Here
When we first started this project, we never imagined it would grow to be something so large. In fact, when we launched our Kickstarter, one of the small business owners we work with, Constance, called us to say, “Don’t let us down.”
We’re so happy to come back to Constance and tell her how generous, supportive, and kind our backers have been. However, that’s not the end for Mana. We’re also proud to announce the launch of our website! You can check out for more blog content, to sign up for our newsletter, and even to get your own Mana subscription.
By supporting our mission, you have chosen to support local South African artisans in need of financial stability. As COVID-19 continues to ripple through our world, this support is even more important than ever before.
“Times have been hectic due to COVID-19,” said Vuyokazi Khohliso, who creates some of the handmade beaded necklaces featured in our first Mana box. “When the order for necklaces came through, we got so excited because we were starving. I managed to buy food for my family and save (for) the little emergencies. I would like to thank you all…it saved my family from starving.”
Learn more about Mana by clicking here. Once again, we thank you from the bottom of our hearts. Our team is excited to see how else Mana will grow in the years to come.